When it comes to growing cannabis, yield is an important factor for many growers. It refers to the number of dried buds or flowers that can be obtained from a plant once it has been harvested. With autoflowering seeds, the yield can vary depending on the strain and a number of environmental factors. Contrary to popular belief, some autoflowering strains can produce high yields all year round.
Factors That Can Affect The Autoflower Yield
Several elements can impact the yield of autoflowering plants. These include environmental factors such as lighting and moisture levels, as well as cultivation-related considerations such as the size of the container used and the type of nutrients provided. In this article, we will examine each of these factors in detail.
Weather Conditions
Weather conditions play an important role in the growth and yield of autoflower cannabis plants. Growing autos outdoors limits a grower’s ability to control the environment, as they are reliant on the natural cycles of light, humidity, and temperature in their region.
Sunny states with warm temperatures and high humidity favor the growth of autoflowers and usually lead to higher yields. However, colder regions may affect the production by causing slower or stunted plant growth which ultimately affects overall yield.
When it comes to growing autoflowering seeds, one of the most important factors to consider is the space that you have available for planting. While some seed sellers may promise exceptionally high yields per square foot, it is important to be realistic about your own limitations. This often means opting for a container gardening approach, rather than attempting to cultivate plants directly in the soil.
One easy and effective way to grow autoflowering seeds in limited space is by using pots. These can offer a number of benefits over traditional gardening methods, such as better control over soil quality and water retention.
Additionally, pots allow you to move your plants around as needed, which can be especially useful if you need to keep them indoors during colder weather or away from cannabis pests or other environmental hazards.
For optimal yield results with this method, it is recommended that growers choose pots that are at least 2.6 gallons in size – although smaller options may also be suitable depending on the individual strain being grown.
Nutrients and Soil
Nutrients and soil quality are some of the most critical elements when it comes to growing cannabis plants. It is almost impossible to achieve a high yielding from autoflower seeds without appropriate knowledge of mediums and nutrients.
Poor soil can lead to underdeveloped, weak plants that may be susceptible to diseases or pests that can ruin the final yield. Nutrient-rich soils can ensure the plant gets all the necessary macronutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium required for proper growth and development.
For auto-flower plants, achieving a nutrient balance isn’t as labor-intensive as it is with regular seeds. Nevertheless, growers still need to ensure they give their crops enough NPK macronutrients to maximize yields at harvest time.
The growth of autoflower cannabis depends not only on soil quality but also on external factors such as temperature and light exposure. As such, growers should seek expert advice on the optimal conditions for their strain of choice for maximum output.
With good soil and proper nutrient management practices, the chances for healthy plant growth are high, resulting in top-quality buds with excellent THC content.
Plant Count
Many cannabis cultivators struggle with determining the appropriate number of plants to fit in their grow space. One solution to this issue is green topping, where six to ten autoflowering plants are placed over a single square foot using 1.5-gallon pots.
However, this technique requires a solid support system to ensure that each plant gets adequate lighting and nutrients. Additionally, overcrowding could lead to insect infestations or mold issues—so be sure to monitor your plants closely.
Another option involves using larger pots with a capacity of two or two and a half gallons. Though you’ll only be able to handle two or three autoflowering plants this way, you can train them to grow thicker and denser by using techniques such as low stress training (LST).
These methods can help manage the overall size of the cannabis plant while maximizing yield potential. However, keep in mind that large pots require more soil and fertilizer compared to smaller containers.
Training: LST and HST
Training is becoming one of the most popular methods to help grow and shape autoflower plants. There are two common types of training methods, low-stress training (LST) and high-stress training (HST), each having a unique approach.
With LST, farmers manually bend or tie the branches of their plants instead of cutting them down. This method requires a lot of patience and handiwork but creates more branches with more flowers resulting in higher yields at harvest. The goal of LST is to create horizontal growth rather than vertical growth; the naturally occurring light stimulates plant growth to be taller, hindering overall bud development.
Unlike LST, HST calls for topping and defoliation techniques on the plant. The HST process involves cutting off some part of the plant’s top and removing leaves to facilitate nutrient distribution. While it may seem strange that cutting parts off a plant would do anything beneficial, it has been shown that by redirecting energy from stem development into buds will result in larger yields come harvest season.
Though this method can be quite harmful to your plant, especially for inexperienced farmers who can easily damage their crop when beginning this training program, when used correctly it leads to happy buds.
The Cultivar
The cultivar is an essential aspect of growing marijuana plants. Whether you are a professional grower or just a home gardener, choosing the right cultivar can be the difference between producing high-quality buds or just mediocre ones.
A cultivar is a strategy that entails selecting seeds for planting based on the desired outcome. For instance, if you want to grow a strain with a particular aroma, you’ll plant seeds from a cultivar that has been carefully selected for that feature.
Cultivars can also help growers optimize yields by breeding varieties with desirable characteristics such as higher THC content, faster-growing rates, and bigger yields.
What Is The Average Autoflower Yield?
Autoflowering cannabis seeds are becoming more and more popular among experienced growers, mainly because of the shorter growth cycle and ease of cultivation compared to traditional photoperiod strains. One vital factor in cultivating autoflowering plants is yield, which usually ranges from 50 to 250 grams yield per plant. However, this figure can vary based on a multitude of factors.
Indoors Autoflowering Plants Yield
Growing autoflowering plants indoors is the preferred method of cultivation for those who want to attain maximum yields. Due to the controlled environment that is offered by indoor growing conditions, plants are able to grow much faster and produce higher-quality buds.
Even with minimal experience in indoor gardening, it is still possible to harvest a significant yield from each plant. On average, most growers can expect to yield roughly 100 grams of smokable marijuana per plant in their first few attempts.
However, if you continue to learn and improve your gardening techniques over time, you will be able to increase your yields drastically.
Outdoors Autoflower Yield
For an inexperienced grower, the thought of growing autoflower plants can be exciting yet intimidating at the same time. One of the primary concerns is how much yield they can expect from their efforts. In ideal outdoor conditions, a beginner-level grower can aim for about an ounce of product per plant in their first try. However, this may vary depending on various factors such as location, weather patterns, and quality of seeds.
As you learn more about the art of autoflower growing and gain experience with different techniques, you can gradually increase your yields to 100 or even 300 grams per plant under the same ideal conditions.
5 Tips And Techniques To Maximize Your Autoflowering Yields
Are you looking for ways to maximize your yield from autoflowering seeds? Look no further! Here are five tips you can use to ensure the best results for your autoflowering plants.
1. Grow Indoors
Growing marijuana indoors is one of the best ways to ensure high quality and huge yields. Indoor conditions are perfect for autoflowering plants, as they provide a stable climate with proper lighting and air circulation.
With indoor growing, you have full control over various environmental factors such as temperature, humidity levels, CO2 concentration, light intensity and duration- all essential aspects that directly affect plant growth.
2. Grow Your Autoflower Seeds in The Pot Where You’ll Harvest Them
If you’re looking for a simple yet effective method to optimize the yield of your autoflower seeds, planting them in the pot where they’ll be harvested can be a great option. By doing this, you enable the plants to establish deep roots and grow more vigorously, ultimately leading to larger and denser buds.
Moreover, it eliminates the need to transfer your plants from one pot to another during their growth cycle – an act that can cause shock or damage to the plant’s roots.
This way, your autoflower plants will not have to spend energy adapting to different soil structures and environments which can slow down their growth.
3. Don’t Feed Your Autoflower Plants Excessive Nutrients
When growing autoflower plants, it is essential that you avoid providing too many nutrients. These plants do not require as much attention as compared to regular seeds, making them ideal for beginner gardeners. However, one of the most common mistakes made by novice growers is overfeeding their plants with nutrients. By doing so, you risk killing your plant or causing it to yield a lower output.
To prevent this from happening, remember to feed your autoflower plants a quarter of the number of nutrients you would supply to regular seed varieties. This will provide them with all the necessary vitamins and minerals they need without overwhelming them.
In case you notice any nutrient deficiencies in your plants, such as yellowing leaves or slow growth rates, slowly increase the number of nutrients provided until the issue is resolved.
4. Give Your Plants the 18/6 formula When it Comes to Light
Autoflower seeds are a game-changer in the world of cannabis cultivation. Unlike natural seeds, they do not require a specific light cycle to start blooming. However, providing them with optimal conditions can enhance their growth and yield. The 18/6 formula is an excellent example of such conditions that can take your crop to the next level.
The 18/6 formula refers to providing your auto-flower seedlings with 18 hours of light and six hours of darkness every day. This formula replicates the long summer days when plants receive maximum sunlight hours, which encourages them to grow and flower quickly.
It also mimics nature’s way of triggering hormonal responses in plants that lead to fruitful reproductive cycles. Therefore, following this light cycle religiously ensures that your plants receive sufficient nutrients, energy, and vitality for robust growth and high yields.
5. Add a Root Stimulant
As an autoflowering cannabis grower, getting the highest yield out of your plants is always a top priority. One way to accomplish this goal is by using a root stimulant. A root stimulant essentially amplifies the plant’s ability to take in nutrients and water through its roots, thus enabling it to grow faster and healthier.
In addition to promoting better nutrient uptake and improving overall plant health, root stimulants can also protect plants from diseases. This is because they contain beneficial microorganisms that colonize the soil surrounding the roots and help defend against harmful pathogens that might otherwise infect the plant.
By including a quality root stimulant in your growing process, you can ensure that your autoflowering plants perform at their best and produce bountiful yields of high-quality cannabis.